Thursday, November 20, 2008
Today the sad realization for millions of people around the world is the brutal fact that
thousands of young innocent men, women and children are dying daily as martyrs in today’s
“War On Terrorism.” This scandalous reality is being played out graphically twenty-four hours
a day on television networks around the world and is sure to leave a long lasting impression of
horror and fear in the hearts and minds of both the young and the old of the world. A multitude
of reasons are officially “spoken of “ by military and governmental officials in their effort to
justify the invasion of Iraq by the American Government - oil, hidden nuclear and chemical
weapons, inept and faulty intelligence, democracy, freedom, liberty, etcetera. These and other
nebulous reasons have nothing to do with America’s unilateral decision to bomb, invade and
occupy Iraq. The rational for this and other recent military interventions was born in post war
1945 when the total victory of the Allied Military Forces in Europe and Asia provided the basis
needed for the birth and establishment of an terrible order of International Political Dominators
who plan to introduce a new order of political, economic and social programs on the world: a
policy of madness that will rob much of the world of its solid moral basis.
They learned the various skills of political deception and fabrication required for the creation of
an unnecessary but nevertheless desired war from their political progenitor’s bitter brew of
propaganda used in the 1930s in order create a believable list of reasons and justifications for
their military carnage in the Second World War.
They do all this with the consent and the approval of their very own citizens by the means of
our modern process of periodic public democratic elections: the dynamics of which they fully
understand and have learned to control. This “popular” vote is often only a prelude to a
complete and “ numerically mandated” dictatorship by the executive branch of a modern
democratic government. The early noble Greek philosophical idea of a Democracy often ends
as soon as the last ballot is counted.
An ever increasing tempo of “State Sponsored Terrorism” is a modern day problem of immense
proportions that has a profound social and cultural effect in every corner of our planet. Recent
years have become a labyrinth of fire and brimstone suffering for those people unlucky enough
to stand in the path of the military fireworks of predatory nations intent on the fulfillment of
their programs of domination in order to establish new political, social, and economic
arrangements for the nations of the world.. It is not important how many innocent people have
to die: who will remember those tens of thousands of unidentified martyrs who must suffer an
early death as a result of these policies four years from now when free and democratic elections
are held once again?
The author’s 2002 essay that follows is largely based on his own observations and conclusions
as to the events and international actions which have left their mark on the world he has lived
in, but these worldwide themes themselves and their histories are universal and vitally
important to all humanity
The world has seen the murderous assassinations and mutilations of the Israeli attack on
Palestinian leaders and citizens in the past few years and now some see it as being comparable to
the savagery and bestiality of a pride of lions on the hunt. Instead of nourishment, as befitting an
animal’s hunt, this insatiable State appetite is one of domination and power. While this killing
rampage continues daily, the neutral nations of the world stand aside watching the victim being
torn apart. The herd neither attacks their attackers nor do they use their collective strength as a
herd and rush in to offer protection to their young, their weak, and their old. They stand by
mesmerized, mute and dumb to the idea of death until the killing is done and the limp carcass is
carried away and then return to their grazing once again. Neighboring States, and a host of others,
choose to remain uninvolved and let the savagery play itself out, knowing that at any given
moment in time it may be their turn to be socially and economically savaged and face death and
the utter destruction of their homeland. For the moment national life is too good and too
comfortable to take sides.
At present the Americans are bombing the hell out of the remote and sparsely populated Asian
country of Afghanistan. Canada and several European Nations are obligingly assisting the United
States of America with troops and equipment in this American led Reprisal Campaign termed War
On Terrorism — their participation in these war efforts which do not directly concern them, has
a far from subtle goal of being favorably listed as a friend of Washington. The United States has
and wants only two fraternal friends who have the proper political organizations and global
ambitions and programs to which Washington can pledge allegiance. England and Israel are these
two comrades in arms.
The United States has a recent fifty year record of coercing, bombing and invading the
governments and peoples of Korea (1950-53), Guatemala (1954), Vietnam (1964-75), Libya
(1986), Iraq (1991-present), Granada (1983), Nicaragua (1982-1990), Panama (1989), Cuba
(1961-present), Dominican Republic ( 1965), Serbia (1994), Haiti (1915-1934). Not exactly a
roster of heavyweights or military giants. Their unauthorized and unsanctioned military
movements in these countries have gone on while the rest of the world sleeps. Even the United
Nations of states for international peace, security, and cooperation established in 1945, the year
that gave the world the new concept of Nuclear Warfare with the explosion of Atomic Bombs over
the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, has stood aside during these American military
escapades and were no where to be found when those victimized nations looked to someone for
help. The United States is the United Nations. Everything else is theater for the poor!
The social and psychological fruits of these alarming military attacks on these hapless and
unfortunate countries, their civilians and their property are now ripe and manifest — terror, fear,
trembling, social and economic phobias, anxiety, destruction, fright, horror, hysteria, death,
bloodshed, enmity, nightmares, hate, savagery, atrocity, destruction, rage, ruins, havoc,
desolation, destruction. These marauding attackers are now and will be forever branded as bullies,
tyrants, gangsters, barbarians, butchers, who must eventually “must pick on someone their own
Presently the only nations that can be described and recognized as being major military powers
are China and Russia. Both have the atomic power capability and maintain vast armies of
equipment and men, but at present are too busy using the United States and the rest of the Western
World as customers for their national products. This arranged detente will not last long. Conflict
on a global basis is only a matter of time. The giants want to play the games which giants play
every so often — all out warfare. Some are overdue and may soon be in need of an economic
Meanwhile, here at home in North America, our broadcast airways and newspapers are filled with
a torrent of lies and subterfuge carefully planted by a phalanx of selected apologists and hired
hands and voices especially trained and strategically located for their evasive purposes. A throng
of compliant commentators have targeted and invaded our daily media outlets. Their constant
drumming of words and imagery is designed to drown out any dissenting voice and plunge the
debate into a grinding harangue of argumentative discord. Organized media debates are turned into
a shouting match when the truth of the matter is not wanted or found to be unsettling. These
wiseacres do not allow any insightful discussion of the terms and conditions set out in 1948
regarding the matter of financial compensation owed to the Palestinian people for their land and
their property that the State of Israel claimed and took as being their own — or for the need for
fifty years of Palestinian refugee camps which were unheard of before 1948 when millions of
Palestinians lost their land and their housing and were forced to make a life in these makeshift
communities of sorrow, hate and suffering. These liege men, armed with their faux credentials,
have poisoned the milk of human intelligence and decency. This theater of infamy has been with
us now for over forty years and has caused a great deal of harm to the normality of the human
race.* People are turned-off by these pretenses and are less inclined to believe in anything or
anyone anymore. They no longer believe in those things their parents believe or believed in and
lived and died for. To many it has all been a sham, an illusion, a show, a hoax perpetrated by
unseen and unheard social, economic, and political schemers and deceivers. Israel was conceived
and designed and given life in Great Britain thirty years before its actual birth as the State of
Israel of (Mediant Israel). It became the fourth and most recent conceptually designed country on
the face of the earth.
The various governments of Great Britain by self assumed Imperial powers have given the world
a four hundred year history of conquering, colonizing, creating, dissolving and altering countries
in Asia, Europe, Australia, North America, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean, and as far east
as The International Date line. They have been a busy lot — intrusive, but very busy! This nation
remodeling responsibility was passed on to their American cousins in 1945. The British are now
resting and reaping their financial and hegemonic rewards. The harvest is substantial, indeed!
In 1749 the British established the Canadian city of Halifax in Mi’kmaq territory without
consulting with the aboriginal tribal leaders. The native people of the Segepenegatig district
seeing this foreign incursion into their ancestral domain asked themselves “where can we go if
we are deprived of our lands?” In order to save their sacred land they copied a European custom
by declaring war on the British colonists. The British were quick to label the native people as
rebels. Governor Edward Cornwallis ordered his army to “take and destroy the Savages
commonly called Mic-macks, wherever they are found.” He ordered a bounty payment for native
scalps at ever escalating rates, with no questions asked.” Three hundred years later we find a
similar method of land takeover in the Middle East. Instead of human scalps, flag draped coffins
are now the price to be paid for illegal land confiscation. The technology for killing innocents has
improved greatly!
It is impossible to discover from the records of history the number of human lives that were lost
in the four hundred year reign of domination that England and the British Empire had in Asia,
Europe, Africa, North America, South America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, South East Asia,
and in the Pacific. Entire nations and their peoples were enslaved and colonized — in every case
against their will. Millions of Africans were captured, chained and shipped to far off foreign lands
and cultures. How many died on the way will never be known. Those that survived were and
remain strangers in a foreign land.
The United States of America in its recent fifty year history of forcefully restructuring and
transforming nations of the world that they label as “problem or terrorists”states is also faced
with the need to eliminate millions of lives in order to achieve their global aims of domination
and political and economic control. How many to date? No one is counting.
All this killing and state domination and control is achieved by the fraudulent pretense of a clear
and present global need for the establishment of the dual banners of Capitalism and Democracy.
Evidence of this accusation of America’s political leadership pervasive kinship to the
International State of Affairs rather than national loyalty to America’s very serious domestic State
of the Nation concerns, can be readily seen and analyzed when their empire building needs
require their national treasury purse strings to be wide open. Direct massive billion dollar loans,
financial grants, covert military equipment and training programs complete with needed teams of
advisors and diplomats and the old stand by “unpublished and unknown” appropriations” are
annually allocated to special in league nations. Meanwhile each year their domestic purse grows
smaller and smaller. Central urban areas of former great American cities from coast to coast have
become what looks very much like a civil war ravaged zone — having little or no hope or no
promise of rebirth or revival. Crumbling social, educational, transportation and medical
infrastructures fail to deliver what has been called “the American Dream.” to the majority of
American families and citizens. Child poverty, homeless people, inadequate hospital and medical
services for the poor, primary and secondary educational inefficaciousness, are modern day social
diseases. No single governmental agency exists that has the dedication and the will to eradicate
these and other looming national social dilemmas.
1600 - 1945
Africa was a vast virginal repository of potential fabulous fortunes that could be quickly and
easily made in the gold, diamonds, ivory and slave trades. It is easy to see why Victorian England
was so ready to expand its empire into this mysterious and resource rich continent. England’s
African presence was significantly increased at the end of the First World War with its
confiscation of defeated Germany’s African colonies.
The elaborate and highly secretive preparations which went into the Zionist plan of forming and
creating a State of Israel, located in what was then Palestine, became a reality on November 2,
1917, when Lord James Arthur Balfour stood before the British Parliament and announced that
he had sent a letter to Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild, Chairman of The Zionist Federation,
informing Lord Rothschild that his cabinet and His Majesty’s Government “ view with favor the
establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best
endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it clearly being understood that nothing
shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish
communities in Palestine, ...”
Lord Balfour’s, now famous letter, became the first significant statement of political approval
and recognition of Zionist ambitions by a major International Nation. It predated the Treaty of
Versailles and the formation of the League of Nations by two years, the Second World War and
its ensuing Holocaust by 22 years. The idea of an Israel was bigger, in many respects, than any
other international event since the lunacy of the 1914-1918 Great War. Sir Winston Churchill then
a member of that 1917 Parliament played his now familiar factotum role. He was later quoted as
saying “ I am a Zionist, let me make that clear. I was one of the original ones after the Balfour
Declaration and I have worked faithfully for it.”
In April of 1920 at San Remo, Italy, Britain was conveniently and expediently given, by The
League of Nations, a political and administrative Mandate to govern Palestine, the Transjordan,
and Iraq regions of the Middle East. The League’s authorization document read: “ His Britannic
Majesty as the Administrator for Palestine, ... .” Very cavalier language.
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty Government,
the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been
submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.
“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a
national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the
achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which
existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed
by Jews in any other country”.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the
Zionist Federation.
Arthur James Balfour
Religious Jews of the world may have unwillingly and unwittingly created for themselves and for
future generations of their children another unthinkable holocaust, simply by following the
Zionist promises of the establishment of a sanctuary of safety and peace and a geographical
national homeland for Jews. This idyllic world was promised by renowned and obscure Zionist
leaders. Little did they know that the Zionist’s prime goal was one of control and domination of
the land and the peoples living in the Middle East. The Judaic people of the world, have
irrevocably turned over their fate and destiny to the Zionists of the world, who are joined in this
enterprise, by international Zionists who are neither Jews nor Jewish in culture or religion. Their
political and economic goals and ambitions reach much further than creating a National
Homeland for Jews. They do not hesitate and are not ashamed to trade their economic and
political ambitions on the still warm embers of the world’s most recent holocaust. Instead they
make use of this stirring historical account as the very foundation of their cause for existence.
Since the establishment of Israel in 1948, when the war weary world was looking hopefully for a
new period of peace and prosperity, the world has been transformed into an armed camp and now
has the potential of becoming a worldwide police state. Every inch of ground and every mile of
sky is now a high security zone, patrolled by combat prepared armed military and paramilitary
personnel, and civil and private police forces. Technology has provided a post modern highly
secret and elaborate billion dollar worldwide computer intelligence gathering program that listens
every hour of every day to everyone’s everyday conversations and sees into the private
correspondence between individuals reaching into every corner of the earth. The nation’s most
important public issues are now held to be “most secret” while the most private intimate personal
issues are now “illuminated and broadcast” for the entire nation to see and read. Lethal security
measures are now highly visible at public buildings, airports, border crossings, city centers,
synagogues, embassies, government properties, even to the playing fields of the country.. Nothing
and nobody is now considered to be absolutely safe and secure. This regime of anti-terrorism
security has over-powered the average citizen and has taken away what was formerly considered
to be their public free world where innocent men and women with their families felt free to live,
laugh, and struggle for happiness. That joy is now disappearing from view.
To question Israel’s state policies is immediately translated and labeled as being anti-Semitic, by
official Zionist gate keepers. How can it be anti-Semitic when tens of thousands of Jews around
the world daily protest and demonstrate against the policies of the Israeli government of Ariel
Sharon’s Likud Party. Any written or oral statement questioning and criticizing American and
British government policies and programs that support the Israeli government is especially seen
as being unpatriotic and unwelcome.
Upon closer inspection it will be seen that the State and the Governments of Israel are not Judaic
nor does the State follow and believe in and observe the ancient beliefs and practices of Judaic
Law. Israel is a secular state. It is a modern Anglo-American- Zionist State given over to a goal
of global political influence and economic power and domination. The State of Israel is their
beachhead to the entire Middle East.
June 7, 1981: Israel bombs Baghdad nuclear reactor
The Israelis have bombed a French-built nuclear plant near Iraq's capital, Baghdad, saying they believed it was designed to make nuclear weapons to destroy Israel.
It is the world's first air strike against a nuclear plant.
An undisclosed number of F-15 interceptors and F-16 fighter bombers destroyed the Osirak reactor 18 miles south of Baghdad, on the orders of Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The army command said all the Israeli planes returned safely.
The 70-megawatt uranium-powered reactor was near completion but had not been stocked with nuclear fuel so there was no danger of a leak, according to sources in the French atomic industry.
Mortal danger
The Israeli Government explained its reasons for the attack in a statement saying: "The atomic bombs which that reactor was capable of producing whether from enriched uranium or from plutonium, would be of the Hiroshima size. Thus a mortal danger to the people of Israel progressively arose."
It acted now because it believed the reactor would be completed shortly - either at the beginning of July or the beginning of September 1981.
The Israelis criticised the French and Italians for supplying Iraq with nuclear materials and plegded to defend their territory at all costs.
The statement said: "We again call upon them to desist from this horrifying, inhuman deed. Under no circumstances will we allow an enemy to develop weapons of mass destruction against our people."
The attack took place on a Sunday, they said, to prevent harming the French workers at the site who would have taken the day off.
There have been no reported casualties.
The Osirak reactor is part of a complex that includes a second, smaller reactor - also French-built - and a Soviet-made test reactor already in use.
Iraq denies the reactor was destined to produce nuclear weapons.
Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin ordered the raid
News of the audacious raid did not actually emerge until 24 hours later when Israel made its announcement. Only then did Iraq admit it had happened and express indignation.
One of the pilots involved was Ilan Ramon who trained as Israel's first astronaut but was killed in the Columbia shuttle disaster in 2003.
Two weeks after the Osirak attack Israel admitted it had the capability of developing its own nuclear weapons.
And in 1986, Mordechai Vanunu, a former nuclear technician was found guilty of espionage after he told a British newspaper, the Sunday Times, that Israel was secretly building atomic bombs.
French Prime Minister Jacques Chirac cultivated France's special relationship with Iraq during the 1970s to maintain an influence in a region dominated by Anglo-Saxons and boost trade links with the oil-rich nation. He led the universal condemnation of Israel's attack on Osirak.
Then, 22 years later - as French president - Mr Chirac was vehemently against the USA and Britain going to war with Iraq over the issue of weapons of mass destruction.
A much more harmful and devastating by-product of this shameful litany of State manipulation,
intrigue, war crimes and duplicity is today’s prevailing systematic growth of corporate, state,
institutional and private penchant for the rewards of fraud and corruption. The rot of public
corruption abounds in society today, as never before, and gives no indication that it can be
contained or eliminated. Political and economic corruption and malfeasance is regarded by those
now in positions of power and influence as a necessary and rewarding tool of the trade. Public
discovery and ensuing shame do not dampen the worldwide appetite for the fruits of this
malignant code of conduct. Where there is no shame corruption abounds!
Israel, England, and the United States of America each have a concealed arsenal of atomic and
nuclear weapons and mistakenly may now believe that with these weapons of mass destruction
they can dominate and control the world. They should be wise enough to know that these weapons
of mass destruction are only the penultimate power in the world today — the ultimate power
resides with people in the street power. History has shown this to be the case and the future will
again show that this people power has no rival. They have toppled great governments, empires
and kingdoms in the past and still retain the crowning street power to do it again, and again.
This four hundred year run of international and intercontinental Empire building and the attending
warfare required for nation building and nation altering programs has attached to it very
substantial human and financial costs. One does not invade, over-run, conquer, and colonize a
foreign nation or people without much blood-letting, burials and expenditures of vast national
fortunes. Both costs are essential to achieve the initial victory and then to institute the planned
economic and political goals and ambitions. Some people must die and some people have to be
bought and paid off.
To conceive, plan, script, design, cast, and finally organize and generate a worldwide war program
requires an outstanding number of players in both major and minor roles and the gathering of
unlimited financial resources needed to produce and stage it. First someone or some group must
have an idea, a plan, a goal, an ambition, a reason to act. These ideologies only find themselves
satisfied when another nation or another people are attacked and dominated. These are never
natural acts of self preservation.. They exist in history in order to satisfy a creed, an urge, a self
proclaimed need.
If Middle East conflicts continue as they exist today, they will inevitably worsen and that entire
region will become another 1939 Europe — a ready flash point of international political duplicity,
ready to ignite and cause a major worldwide conflagration, once again.
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